Bob Berman

From BR Bullpen


Robert Leon Berman

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Biographical Information[edit]

Bob Berman played two big league games with the Washington Senators in 1918. He made two putouts but never logged a time at bat.

Bob was only 19 when he played in the majors, after having been at Fordham University in 1917-1918.

He lived a long life. Even though he played in the majors when the 23-year-old Babe Ruth still did a lot of pitching, nevertheless Bob lived to be 89 years old, dying in 1988 when Barry Bonds was also 23 years old.

A site about him says he was a "skilled boxer" who became a physical education and ballroom dancing teacher after his ballplaying days. He also coached high school baseball, including a high school player named Bob Grim. [1]

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